Chin Augmentation
Chin Augmentation creates a profile with more prominence
A receding chin can give your face an imbalanced look and create a “weak” profile. Chin augmentation, offered by the Breazeale Clinic in Knoxville, involves altering the shape of your chin to add contour and create a profile with more prominence.
A chin augmentation surgery is designed to increase the harmony of the various features of your face without impacting the regular workings of your jaw.
What Does a Chin Augmentation Involve?
There are two main chin augmentation methods used to give a chin more projection and prominence.
One option for this procedure—which is also known as a mentoplasty or genioplasty—involves the doctor altering the chinbone itself by physically moving it forward, and then securing it into place via incisions made inside the mouth.
The bone-moving option is a rare procedure, but another choice is more common. The introduction of a chin implant adds increased projection to that portion of the face without altering the actual bone structure. For this method, the doctor will make an incision—either in the mouth or under the chin—through which the implant can be inserted and positioned.
Proper post-chin augmentation recuperation may require a temporary change in diet, with a restriction on solid foods for just one or two days. Many people find that they can remain fairly active during this time with restrictions, but return to work or similar activities after one or two weeks.
Dr. Edward Breazeale Jr
Dr. Ed Breazeale Jr, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, works to give his patients the looks they want in a safe and professional environment. He is a trusted source for quality plastic surgery using state-of-the-art technology
Before & after photos
See the results of previous procedures and view before and after images in our Breast Augmentation Gallery.